Wednesday 19 January 2011

more mullah

Beloved has reminded me I stopped telling Nasrudin stories at 3 and you are supposed to tell 7 so here are 4 more from

Once Nasruddin went to a garden and climbed on apricot tree. The gardener observed this and asked him, “Why did you climb someone else’s tree?” Nasruddin answered, “Don’t you know I am nightingale and for nightingales climbing a tree is not a sin.” The gardener laughed and said, “Please sing so I listen and enjoy.” Nasruddin started to sing in his horse voice. The gardener asked him whether nightingale sang so badly. Nasruddin replied, “A nightingale which eats raw apricot will not sing better than this.”

One winter night while Nasruddin was sleeping he heard a noise that was suddenly made in the street. Having covered himself with his blanket, he came out to know the cause of the noise. Suddenly a smart thief robbed him of his blanket and ran away. He came back home without the blanket. In reply to his wife who was asking about the reason for the noise, Nasruddin said, “All the quarrel was about my blanket.”

Nasruddin went to a city and was walking in the streets. Some one asked him, "What is the day today?" He said, "I have recently come to this city, so far I am not accustomed to the days here. You'd better ask a resident of this city".

 Nasruddin used to stand in the street on market-days, to be pointed out as an idiot. No matter how often people offered him a large and a small coin, he always chose the smaller piece. One day a kindly man said to him:

- Nasruddin, you should take the bigger coin. Then you will have more money and people will no longer be able to make a laughing stock of you.

- That may be true, said Nasruddin, but if I always take the larger, people will stop offering me money to prove that I am more idiotic than they are. Then I would have no money at all.


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