Thursday 24 May 2012

New Roof, New Shop

As part of the market improvements the old rattan roof over the passageway by Moha's "Afrika Arts" shop in the Arab Souk has been replaced. There is a general consensus that this is not an improvement. The new roof is of corrugated metal. It is rivetted to the old supports using a rivet gun. It does not allow light to filter through nor breezes. It heats up in the sun. When it rains there is the most dreadfull noise as the drops rattle on the metal and then form rivulets down the chanelss and all spill out at then same place. The scarf seller next door in particular has had to rehang his goods to avoid their soaking. There is also a consensus that it was not possible to fix the metal sufficiently and that as it is resistant to air rather than letting it pass through that it will blow off in the first high wind.
Anyway either because of or despite this Moha decided to refit his shop. When we left in March it was a hive of industry. New lights had been added it was painted an irridescent blue and pink material stapled above the display cabinets which where relined and the jewelllry rehung. Itook some pictures but was told not to blog it because it was unfinished and was to have stencils over all the paint work and indeed this was started. It would be wonderful when we retuned. We returned at the end of April and it was as we had left it. We leave again now and there is no furthe progress. Moha looks shamedfaced and says "We worked really hard for a week and then gave up." I like it as it is but obviouly cannot compare it with the original concept. 

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