Sunday 24 February 2019

A Sousse Sunday Souk

We went to the market today. We always mean to go to the Sunday souk but in reality we rarely go except to take visitors. There seemed to be slightly fewer stalls today and I was disappointed because the sweet seller with his packets of salted popcorn was not in his usual place by the arch to the vegetable souk. We couldn't find anyone selling it so I had to do without.
 It is the strawberry season -they were selling them outside the mosque after Friday prayers and there were several stalls selling them today so I bought a kilo. They look like Spanish strawberries  but are not turnipy and rather sweeter although I still prefer the more delicate British varieties. The one thing that Moroccan strawberries are though is HUGE. I had two after lunch and they made a large portion.

Pears were also available. They were much bigger than the imports in Marjane and just as sweet.

 Also there were good broad beans. I had some a few weeks ago when there were first being sold but they had been picked to early before the pods had filled properly and it took a kilo to make a sad single portion. Today's look better so we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Its been the hottest ever february here but no strawberries.
