Thursday 7 March 2019

Icht: Borj Birimane

We are back from our trip South, earlier than planned because I forgot my additional insulin and we had to be back by last night. We went to the hamada, the stony desert, between the anti-atlas and the Sahara proper. In the past we have got to Tataa nd turned east but this time we went west. There are not that many places to stay and we wanted to pre-book so we went to Borj Birimine in Icht. It is named after the tower where they have the water pump but although it is the site of an old caravanserai  for camel caravans which had crossed the Sahara the buildings at Borj Birimanne are new. It has been developed from 2007 by a group of french people and what is there now is a hotel comprising a number of separate single storey buildings, in which we had a room,

 around a central hub containing the restaurant and offices, 

some tents containing dormitory accommodation and a large number of pitches for campervans. The wifi only works in the restaurant area and we were competing for bandwidth with the other guests so I couldn't blog until we got home. The owners keep tame peacoks which could be loud

 but otherwise it was very peaceful and of course it was wonderfully starry at night because there is no cloud and dark skies.
The restaurant was simply decorated

 and Paul, the manager had some prehistoric tools they'd found on site.The knife at the bottom is still really sharp and fits the hand perfectly..

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